21 JUN 2012 by ideonexus

 Becoming More by Dying

I died as mineral and became a plant, I died as plant and rose to animal, I died as animal and I became man. Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?
Folksonomies: death poetry
Folksonomies: death poetry
  1  notes

An interesting poem.

06 JUN 2012 by ideonexus

 On the Future of Chemistry

Chemistry is not the preservation hall of old jazz that it sometimes looks like. We cannot know what may happen tomorrow. Someone may oxidize mercury (II), francium (I), or radium (II). A mineral in Nova Scotia may contain an unsaturated quark per 1020 nucleons. (This is still 6000 per gram.) We may pick up an extraterrestrial edition of Chemical Abstracts. The universe may be a 4-dimensional soap bubble in an 11-dimensional space as some supersymmetry theorists argued in May of 1983. Who kno...
Folksonomies: chemistry
Folksonomies: chemistry
  1  notes

The science has a nebulous future to predict owing to the engineering and experimental nature of its character.

09 SEP 2011 by ideonexus

 An Ancient Observation of Life from Lifelessness.

Nature proceeds little by little from things lifeless to animal life in such a way that it is impossible to determine the exact line of demarcation, nor on which side thereof an intermediate form should lie. Thus, next after lifeless things comes the plant, and of plants one will differ from another as to its amount of apparent vitality; and, in a word, the whole genus of plants, whilst it is devoid of life as compared with an animal, is endowed with life as compared with other corporeal enti...
  1  notes

From Aristotle's "History of Animals". From mineral to plant to animal; this could be seen as an early view of evolution.