27 JUL 2018 by ideonexus
Arguing with People Online Allows Them to Burn Your Time
But while some amount of bullshit is inevitably forced on you, the bullshit that sneaks into your life by tricking you is no one's fault but your own. And yet the bullshit you choose may be harder to eliminate than the bullshit that's forced on you. Things that lure you into wasting your time on them have to be really good at tricking you. An example that will be familiar to a lot of people is arguing online. When someone contradicts you, they're in a sense attacking you. Sometimes pretty ove...Folksonomies: opportunity cost online debate
Folksonomies: opportunity cost online debate
31 MAY 2015 by ideonexus
Summary of "Sirius"
Fifty years ago, the philosopher Olaf Stapledon published
a novel, Sirius, which explores some of the
depths of loneliness and alienation to which genetic
engineering might lead. Stapledon knew nothing of
DNA and molecular biology, but he foresaw the possibility
of genetic engineering and saw that it would give
rise to severe dilemmas. His hero, Sirius, is a dog endowed
with a brain of human capacity by doses of
nerve-growth hormone given to him in utero. His creator
raised him as a member of...Folksonomies: science fiction
Folksonomies: science fiction
24 JAN 2015 by ideonexus
Religion or Science, Our Purpose is the Same
Though much has been written foolishly about the antagonism of science and religion, there is indeed no such antagonism. What all these world religions declare by inspiration and insight, history as it grows clearer and science as its range extends display, as a reasonable and demonstrable fact, that men form one universal brotherhood, that they spring from one common origin, that their individual lives, their nations and races, interbreed and blend and go on to merge again at last in one com...29 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
Pets as a Meme
Pets have all the qualities necessary to be a virus of the mind:
- Pets penetrate our minds by attracting our attention. The quality they have that gets them attention is something like "cuteness" or "adorability."
- Pets actually program us to take care of them in several ways. The animals themselves take advantage of the instincts we have to care for our young. The pet industry, part of the pet virus, programs us through television and advertising to spend more and more money on expensive...Pets have all the characteristics of an infectious meme.