10 FEB 2011 by ideonexus
Latinos Less Likely to Be Online Than Whites
While about two-thirds of Latino (65%) and black (66%) adults went online in 2010, more than three-fourths (77%) of white adults did so. In terms of broadband use at home, there is a large gap between Latinos (45%) and whites (65%), and the rate among blacks (52%) is somewhat higher than that of Latinos. Fully 85% of whites owned a cell phone in 2010, compared with 76% of Latinos and 79% of blacks.
Hispanics, on average, have lower levels of education and earn less than whites. Controlling f...Hispanics are less likely to use the Internet, but if you control for socioeconomic disparities, this difference becomes much less.
01 JAN 2010 by ideonexus
Generation @ is Not the Cultural Revolution Predicted
In purely statistical terms, it appears that ever-greater proportions of young people's days are focused on technology. According to a recent study carried out by the Stuttgart-based media research group MPFS, 98 percent of 12- to 19-year-olds in Germany now have access to the Internet. And by their own estimates, they are online for an average of 134 minutes a day -- just three minutes less than they spend in front of the television.
However, the raw figures say little about what these supp...Folksonomies: new media generation @
Folksonomies: new media generation @
Although the media refer to them as "digital natives," "Generation @" or simply "the net generation." The current generation sees the Internet the same way my generation saw TV's, radio, and VCRs, something that was always there. Despite the potential, they don't use this medium for much else than communication and entertainment.