30 JAN 2012 by ideonexus

 Reevaluating our Libraries

When we run over libraries, persuaded of these principles, what havoc must we make? If we take in our hand any volume; of divinity or school metaphysics, for instance; let us ask, Does it contain any abstract reasoning concerning quantity or number? No. Does it contain any experimental reasoning concerning matter of fact and existence? No. Commit it then to the flames: for it can contain nothing but sophistry and illusion.
Folksonomies: empiricism
Folksonomies: empiricism
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Hume argues that any work that does not contain abstract mathematical reasoning or experimental research is nothing but "sophistry and illusion."

18 JAN 2012 by ideonexus

 War Must Rely on Chemistry

It were indeed to be wish'd that our art had been less ingenious, in contriving means destructive to mankind; we mean those instruments of war, which were unknown to the ancients, and have made such havoc among the moderns. But as men have always been bent on seeking each other's destruction by continual wars; and as force, when brought against us, can only be repelled by force; the chief support of war, must, after money, be now sought in chemistry.
Folksonomies: chemistry war peace
Folksonomies: chemistry war peace
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A 1753 claim that it is the most important thing in support of war just behind money.

23 JUL 2011 by ideonexus

 The Law is King in America

But where, says some, is the King of America? I'll tell you. Friend, he reigns above, and doth not make havoc of mankind like the Royal Brute of Britain. Yet that we may not appear to be defective even in earthly honors, let a day be solemnly set apart for proclaiming the charter; let it be brought forth placed on the divine law, the word of God; let a crown be placed thereon, by which the world may know, that so far as we approve of monarchy, that in America THE LAW IS KING. For as in absolu...
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And the crown is demolished and scattered among the people.