16 JAN 2015 by ideonexus
If Everyone is Altruistic
The day will come, says Spencer, when altruistic inclination will be so well embodied in our organism itself that people will compete for opportunities of self-sacrifice and immolation. When altruistic inclinations are implanted in everyone, how will opportunities arise to apply them? Either such a state presupposes the existence of persecutors, tormentors and tyrants, or else the general urge to sacrifice oneself will engender benefactors who will turn into tormentors and persecutors merel...04 JUN 2012 by ideonexus
Science Teaches Humility
Science even more than the Gospel teaches us humility. She cannot look down on anything, she does not know what superiority means, she despises nothing, never lies for the sake of a pose, and conceals nothing out of coquetry. She stops before the facts as an investigator, sometimes as a physician, never as an executioner, and still less with hostility and irony. Even more so than the gospel.
18 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
The Judges Become the Judged
36. When, under stress of pain, the witch has confessed, her
plight is indescribable. Not only cannot she escape herself,
but she is also compelled to accuse others whom she does
not know, whose names are frequently put into her mouth
by the investigators or suggested by the executioner, or of
whom she has heard as suspected or accused. These in turn
are forced to accuse others, and these still others, so it goes
on: who can help seeing that it must go on and on?
37. The judges must either s...Folksonomies: witch hunts paranoia
Folksonomies: witch hunts paranoia
In Witch Hunts, eventually you run out of people to prosecute, and you become the guilty.