10 DEC 2013 by ideonexus

 Appreciate the Beauty of Wrong Ideas

Pinker tiresomely rehearses the familiar triumphalism of science over religion: “the findings of science entail that the belief systems of all the world’s traditional religions and cultures ... are factually mistaken.” So they are, there on the page; but most of the belief systems of all the world’s traditional religions and cultures have evolved in their factual understandings by means of intellectually responsible exegesis that takes the progress of science into account; and most of...
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Argument that just because an idea is overcome by events, does not mean we cannot appreciate it for its elegance and beauty.

29 MAY 2012 by ideonexus

 The Elegance of Scientific Equations

Perhaps we see equations as simple because they are easily expressed in terms of mathematical notation already invented at an earlier stage of development of the science, and thus what appears to us as elegance of description really reflects the interconnectedness of Nature's laws at different levels.
Folksonomies: nature law
Folksonomies: nature law
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...may merely reflect the interconnectedness of nature.

04 JUN 2011 by ideonexus

 Carl Sagan on the Belief in God

I think it's impossible to be a scientist and to confront, even occassionally, the grandure, subtlety, elegance and magnificience of the universe without feeling a sense of reverence and awe, but that's very different from concluding that there's a god who issues punishments and rewards after your dead or that prayer works or that the bible is written by anybody but fallible human beings. [...] The word god is used to cover so many different points of view... First of all, you can be religi...
Folksonomies: religion atheism god
Folksonomies: religion atheism god
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A very political commentary on the subject. Beautiful rhetorically.