consciousness field that exist in it’s own parallel realm of existence outside reality so can’t be seen - substance dualism
consciousness and it’s states are functions the brain performs - functionalism
a physical property of matter like electromagnetism , just not one we know about -property dualism
all matter has a psychic part , consciousness is just the psychic part of brain -pan psychism
mental states are physical events that we can see in brain scans -identity theory
a sensation that grows inevitably out of complicated mental states - emergent dualism
literally just behaviour ,when we behave in certain way we appear conscious -behaviourism
an accidental side effect of complex physical processes in brain -epiphenomenalism
quantum physics over classical physics can better explain it -quantum consciousness
the sensation of your most significant thoughts being highlighted - cognivitism
consciousness is higher order of thoughts ,thought about other thoughts - higher order theory
a continuous stream of ever recurring phenomena ,pinched like eddies into isolated minds -buddhism
"Look for Me Under Your Bootsoles"
I depart as air, I shake my white locks at the runaway sun, I effuse my flesh in eddies, and drift it in lacy jags. I bequeath myself to the dirt to grow from the grass I love, If you want me again look for me under your boot-soles.Walt Whitman comments on his demise.
Life as the Reduction of Entropy
During the present century a few physicists have tried to define life. Bernal, Schroedinger, and Wigner all came to the same general conclusion, that life is a member of the class of phenomena which are open or continuous systems able to decrease their internal entropy at the expense of substances or free energy taken in from the environment and subsequently rejected in a degraded form. This definition is not only difficult to grasp but is far too general to apply to the specific detection of...Definition of life as something that generates syntropy within itself while exporting entropy, and the problem with this definition as it would include fire and hurricanes as being living.