02 MAR 2019 by ideonexus
Knowledge Work
The growing importance of knowledge as an economic resource reflects the fact that, as economies and production technologies develop, they become ever more complex and specialized, leading to increasing coordination costs. In the language of information economics, the organizational or informational task of coordinating the diverse steps in the productive chain grows, as the number of transactions within and among productive units increases (Joncher, 1983). Logically, the increasingly complex...Folksonomies: knowledge work symbolic work
Folksonomies: knowledge work symbolic work
Knowledge is becoming increasingly specific. Professionals of all types are managing larger quantities of sybolic reasoning. Informational laborers or symbolic analysts are a growing portion of the workforce.
12 DEC 2017 by ideonexus
Credit is Trust in the Future
We’ve already seen that money is an astounding thing because it can represent myriad di23 MAY 2015 by ideonexus
Invoking God to Explain Ignorance is Unproductive
Writing in centuries past, many scientists felt compelled to wax poetic about cosmic mysteries and God's handiwork. Perhaps one should not be surprised at this: most scientists back then, as well as many scientists today, identify themselves as spiritually devout.
ut a careful reading of older texts, particularly those concerned with the universe itself, shows that the authors invoke divinity only when they reach the boundaries of their understanding. They appeal to a higher power only when ...22 MAR 2012 by ideonexus
Richer is Greener
Overpopulation is a problem we can handle most effectively by targeting foreign aid and encouragement for emerging democracies wi± a stable rule of law and growing economies. Poverty and population explosions are highly correlated. We have learned much in the past four decades about the relationship between increased wealth and decreased family size and about the many ways we can reduce our environmental impact. As the "green" economist John Baden has argued, as people become better educated...Folksonomies: environmentalism
Folksonomies: environmentalism
The higher a society's quality of life, the more environmentally conscious they become.
29 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
Human Drives That Open Us to Memes
Here are a few second-order instinctual drives some people seem to have that are all opportunities for memes to take advantage of:
- Belonging. Humans are gregarious-that is, they like company. There are any number of evolutionary reasons for the existence of this drive, including safety in numbers, economies of scale, and simply the presence of more potential mates. Memes that give people a feeling of belonging to a group have an advantage over memes that don't.
- Distinguishing yourself. ...Folksonomies: memetics
Folksonomies: memetics
There are instinctual needs humans have that memes exploit to take root in our minds.