24 JAN 2015 by ideonexus

 Newton's Perspective on the Universe

As all regions below are replenished with living creatures, (not only the Earth with Beasts, and Sea with Fishes and the air with Fowls and Insects, but also standing waters, vineger, the bodies and blood of Animals and other juices {49} with innumerable living creatures too small to be seen without the help of magnifying glasses) so may the heavens above be replenished with beings whose nature we do not understand. He that shall well consider the strange and wonderful nature of life and th...
Folksonomies: astronomy perspective
Folksonomies: astronomy perspective
  1  notes
19 APR 2013 by ideonexus

 The Philosopher's Solace

...how admirably calculated is this view of the human race, emancipated from its chains, released alike from the dominion of chance, as well as from that of the enemies of its progress, and advancing with a firm and indeviate step in the paths of truth, to console the philosopher lamenting the errors, the flagrant acts of injustice, the crimes with which the earth is still polluted? It is the contemplation of this prospect that rewards him for all his efforts to assist the progress of reason ...
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The unstoppable perfectibility of the human race is almost a law of the Universe that no injustice in the present can undo.

28 MAR 2012 by ideonexus

 The Virtue of Humility

Humility, like so many of these virtues, is about caring what others think and feel, about giving validation to others instead of seeking it all for yourself. The best way for parents to teach this, of course, is to model humility ourselves. Monitor your next conversation. How often can you catch yourself saying, “I may be wrong about that”—no one should know more than a skeptic that everything includes an element of doubt—and how often do your kids hear you saying it? How often do yo...
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Humanists, who know we come from apes, are naturally humble.

25 JUL 2011 by ideonexus

 Gains and Loses in Man's Empirical View

I may hand over to men their fortunes, now their understanding is emancipated and come as it were of age; whence there cannot but follow an improvement in man's estate and an enlargement of his power over nature. For man by the fall fell at the same time from his state of innocency and from his dominion over creation. Both of these losses however can even in this life be in some part repaired; the former by religion and faith, the latter by arts and sciences. For creation was not by the curse...
Folksonomies: nature empiricism
Folksonomies: nature empiricism
  1  notes

Man loses his innocence and dominion over creation, but gains in his estate and power over nature.