24 JAN 2015 by ideonexus
Piet Hut, another Dutch astronomer fifty years younger than Jan Oort, decided to take seriously the possibility that comet showers are periodic. If they are periodic, the theory that they are caused by the random passing-by of alien stars cannot be right. If showers are periodic, they must be explained by a different theory. Piet Hut and his friend Rich Muller found an alternative theory to explain the periodicity in case it turns out to be real. The alternative theory is called Nemesis. Neme...Folksonomies: astronomy hypotheses
Folksonomies: astronomy hypotheses
19 NOV 2013 by ideonexus
The Selfish Gene as a New Perspective on an Old Hypothesis
The selfish gene theory is Darwin's theory, expressed in a way that
Darwin did not choose but whose aptness, I should like to think, he
would instantly have recognized and delighted in. It is in fact a logical
outgrowth of orthodox neo-Darwinism, but expressed as a novel image.
Rather than focus on the individual organism, it takes a gene's-eye view
of nature. It is a different way of seeing, not a different theory. In the
opening pages of The Extended Phenotype, I explained this using the
me...It is Darwin's theory, but a story told from the gene's point of view.