19 MAR 2015 by ideonexus
The Chain of Human Rights to Morphological Freedom
The right to life, the right to not have other people prevent oneself from surviving, is a central right, without which all other rights have no meaning. But to realize the right to life we need other rights.
Another central right for any humanistic view of human rights is the right to seek happiness. Without it human flourishing is unprotected, and there is not much point in having a freedom to live if it will not be at least a potentially happy life. In a way the right to life follows from...From Anders Sandberg's "Morphological Freedom – Why We Not Just Want It, but Need It"
02 JAN 2011 by ideonexus
Graph Theory Approach to Web Topology
Perhaps the best-known paradigm for studying the Web is graph theory. The Web can be seen as a graph whose nodes are pages and whose (directed) edges are links. Because very few weblinks are random, it is clear that the edges of the graph encode much structure that is seen by designers and authors of content as important. Strongly connected parts of the webgraph correspond to what are called cybercommunities and early investigations, for example by Kumar et al, led to the discovery and mappin...The graph theory approach produces a model of the web that is like a bowtie, and filled with other bowties, like a fractal. There is an image in the original document of this phenomena.