30 JAN 2015 by ideonexus
Fortune of Conception
Moralists and theologians place great weight upon the moment of
conception, seeing it as the instant at which the soul comes into
existence. If, like me, you are unmoved by such talk, you still must regard a particular instant, nine months before your birth, as the most
decisive event in your personal fortunes. It is the moment at which your
consciousness suddenly became trillions of times more foreseeable than
it was a split second before. To be sure, the embryonic you that came
into existen...24 JAN 2015 by ideonexus
Computer Metaphors for Biochemistry
The metaphor of the computer represents in some crude fashion the chemistry of life. Nowadays one may assume that the average citizen of an industrialized country is at least as familiar with computers as with rain forests. The idea of using the computer as a metaphor is a natural one. A computer is a device for handling information according to a program which it is able to remember and execute. A living cell, to remain in control of its vital functions in a variable environment, must also p...Folksonomies: metaphors
Folksonomies: metaphors
25 APR 2012 by ideonexus
The Importance of Hay
The technologies which have had the most profound effects on human life are usually simple. A good example of a simple technology with profound historical consequences is hay. Nobody knows who invented hay, the idea of cutting grass in the autumn and storing it in large enough quantities to keep horses and cows alive through the winter. All we know is that the technology of hay was unknown to the Roman Empire but was known to every village of medieval Europe. Like many other crucially importa...Folksonomies: invention agriculture
Folksonomies: invention agriculture
As an invention, it allowed humans to migrate into northern Europe.