17 DEC 2013 by ideonexus
How Coaches and Teachers Differ
Traditionally, coaches and teachers operate quite differently when working with groups of children. Coaches tend to teach for success. For example, suppose a coach is teaching the skill of dribbling a basketball. He or she first shows the children exactly what good, proper dribbling looks like. The demonstration may then be expanded by showing some exceptional, fancy-footwork-type dribbling that the kids may aspire to learn with extra effort. The coach shows common errors made when dribbling ...Coaches encourage learning through collaboration and practice, while teachers make the mistake of focusing on testable results and 'fairness.' Coaching seems like the preferable strategy.
13 APR 2013 by ideonexus
Freestyle Chess
In fact, the best game of chess in the world right now might be played neither by man nor machine.47 In 2005, the Web site ChessBase.com, hosted a “freestyle” chess tournament: players were free to supplement their own insight with any computer program or programs that they liked, and to solicit advice over the Internet. Although several grandmasters entered the tournament, it was won neither by the strongest human players nor by those using the most highly regarded software, but by a pai...Similar to correspondence chess, where computer programs are allowed to offer suggestions and the players act like coaches directing the moves.