28 MAY 2013 by ideonexus
Longevity Leads to "Balkanized" Relationships
this culture’s structure of feeling could also be called balkanized. Gender therapy and speciation were both parts of the longevity project, and the combination of the three created a new structure of feeling that is often characterized as fractured, compartmentalized, bulkheaded, firewalled. Usually longevity itself is identified as the primary force driving this; until now, no one has had to integrate a personality in its second century (or more), and often it is experienced as an existen...Folksonomies: transhumanism relationships
Folksonomies: transhumanism relationships
So many experiences and knowing so many people leads to feelings of alienation.
08 JUN 2011 by ideonexus
Seeing the Baby on the Ultrasound
There’s no doubt that seeing one’s future child on an ultrasound monitor is a powerful experience, the first visual evidence of the fetus in a culture in which seeing is believing. The encounter can be so compelling, in fact, that some medical providers are using it not just as a diagnostic tool, but as a treatment in itself. Zack Boukydis, a professor of psychology at the Illinois Institute of Technology, has been working with doctors for almost a decade to expand routine screenings into...Folksonomies: pregnancy fetal development
Folksonomies: pregnancy fetal development
As the first touchpoint, experience as a parent.
03 MAY 2011 by ideonexus
If Humans were Like Sparrows
It is my contention that man is just like an ibis or a swallow or a sparrow in several key respects. He lives in large colonies. Males compete with one another for places in a pecking order. Most males are monogamous. Polygamy is prevented by wives who resent sharing their husbands lest they also share his contributions to child rearing. Even though they could bring up the children unaided, the husband's paycheck is invaluable. But the ban on polygamous marriage does not prevent the males fro...The sexual habit differences and similarities.