18 JUL 2013 by ideonexus

 The Connection Between Art and Sex

How the pleasure in some stately piece of beautifully pro- portioned architecture, the thrill produced by solemn music, or the calm sweetness of a summer landscape in the evening, is to be attributed to the feeling of sex only, it is hard to see; they have in common a pleasurable emotion, and that is all. That a very large part of art is directly inspired by erotic motives is perfectly true, and that various forms of art play an important part in love songs and courtship is obvious; but this ...
Folksonomies: art sex humanities
Folksonomies: art sex humanities
  1  notes

Both instill pleasurable emotions, but is one a strategy to get the other or are they naturally connected via the similar emotions they generate?

28 APR 2012 by ideonexus

 Do What You Love

It is important to go into work you would like to do. Then it doesn't seem like work. You sometimes feel it's almost too good to be true that someone will pay you for enjoying yourself. I've been very fortunate that my work led to useful drugs for a variety of serious illnesses. The thrill of seeing people get well who might otherwise have died of diseases like leukemia, kidney failure, and herpes virus encephalitis cannot be described in words.
Folksonomies: wisdom life
Folksonomies: wisdom life

Quote from Gertrude B. Elion's lecture notes.

28 MAY 2011 by ideonexus

 The Thrill of Landing on a New Planet

To ANYONE who has been in space and experienced its changelessness, the real excitement of space flight comes when it is time to land on a new planet. The ground speeds backward under you as you catch glimpses of land and water, of geometrical areas and lines that might represent fields and roads. You become aware of the green of growing things, the gray of concrete, the brown of bare ground, the white of snow. Most of all, there is the excitement of populated conglomerates; cities which, on ...
Folksonomies: space travel adventuring
Folksonomies: space travel adventuring
  1  notes

Each planet has its own distinct characteristics that are a welcome sight after spending a long time in the abyss of space.