31 OCT 2018 by ideonexus
Although the etymology of the word is a matter of debate, for at least 50 years “kayfabe” has referred to the unspoken contract between wrestlers and spectators: We’ll present you something clearly fake under the insistence that it’s real, and you will experience genuine emotion. Neither party acknowledges the bargain, or else the magic is ruined.
The aesthetic of World Wrestling Entertainment seems to be spreading from the ring to the world stage. Ask an average Trump support...24 MAR 2013 by ideonexus
Television is Not a Passive Medium
Ever since viewing screens entered the home, many observers have worried that they put our brains into a stupor. An early strain of research claimed that when we watch television, our brains mostly exhibit slow alpha waves—indicating a low level of arousal, similar to when we are daydreaming. These findings have been largely discarded by the scientific community, but the myth persists that watching television is the mental equivalent of, as one Web site put it, “staring at a blank wall....Folksonomies: parenting television
Folksonomies: parenting television
Our brains enter a state similar to that of reading a book when watching TV. Children are able to make sense of TV and are actively engaged with it.
31 JUL 2011 by ideonexus
An Hour of TV a Day Equals a 10 Percent Increase in Atten...
Another example comes from a study that looked at bullying. For each hour of TV watched daily by children under age 4, the risk increased 9 percent that they would engage in bullying behavior by the time they started school. This is poor emotional regulation at work. Even taking into account chicken-or-egg uncertainties, the American Association of Pediatrics estimates that 10 percent to 20 percent of real-life violence can be attributed to exposure to media violence.
TV also poisons at...Even second-hand television, just having it on the the room, causes problems; therefore, the APA recommends no Television for children for two years.