01 JAN 2017 by ideonexus
The Twelve Life Areas
Values & Purpose
Your deeper, underlying, fundamental values and wants. Your philosophy of life. Your sense of purpose, vision, and meaning.
Do I have a sense of purpose and direction in life?
What do I want out of life?
How do I want the world to be different?
What is my philosophy of life?
What are my fundamental values?
What do I truly value?
Contribution & Impact
How you give value to the world, make a difference, and have a positive impact.
How am I giving value to the worl...20 JAN 2014 by ideonexus
Star Trek is About Diversity
Moses Maimonides, who lived nearly 900 years ago, wrote a book called The Guide for the Perplexed. In it, he said: "The human race contains such a variety of individuals that we cannot discover two persons exactly alike in any moral quality or external appearance. This great variety and necessity of social life are essential elements in man's nature." These are the same principles, the same philosophies, which are inherent in "Star Trek." But let's go back to what "Star Trek" really is. It...Rodenberry's philosophy was to respect and cherish diversity.
23 JAN 2011 by ideonexus
Memes and Genes in Conflict in Modern Child-Rearing
Let us suppose that women who have many chidren are far too busy to have much social life, and spend most of their time with their partners and family. The few other people they do see are likely to be other mothers with young children who already share at least some of their child-rearing memes. The more children they have the mor eyears they will spend this way. They will, therefore, have little time for spreading their own memes, including the ones concerned with family values and the ple...Women who have lots of children have less memetic influence, while women who are career-oriented have more memetic influence, but less genetic.