09 AUG 2014 by ideonexus
König’s paradox: Ordinals
Let’s start by turning back the clock. It is India in the fifth century BCE, the age of the historical Buddha, and a rather peculiar principle of reasoning appears to be in general use. This principle is called the catuskoti, meaning ‘four corners’. It insists that there are four possibilities regarding any statement: it might be true (and true only), false (and false only), both true and false, or neither true nor false.
To get back to something that the Buddha might recognise,...Folksonomies: mathematics paradox
Folksonomies: mathematics paradox
Also Betrand Russel's "Set of All Sets that Do Not Contain Themselves"
29 DEC 2013 by ideonexus
Language is Important in Direction
The room is made i.^ up of four curtains, used to create four walls in a rectangle, defined by two types of information: geometric (two short walls and two long walls) and color information (one red wall).
Now, think about the corners. If you are using only geometric information, pairs of corners are identical. There are two corners with a short wall on the ft and a long wall on the right, and two corners the other way around. If you are using only color information, there are also two pair...Deprived of the language centers of the brain, subjects are unable to determine their location in a test.
23 JUN 2012 by ideonexus
The Problem With a Good Hypthesis
There is one great difficulty with a good hypothesis. When it is completed and rounded, the corners smooth and the content cohesive and coherent, it is likely to become a thing in itself, a work of art. It is then like a finished sonnet or a painting completed. One hates to disturb it. Even if subsequent information should shoot a hole in it, one hates to tear it down because it once was beautiful and whole. One of our leading scientists, having reasoned a reef in the Pacific, was unable for ...Folksonomies: science hypothesis
Folksonomies: science hypothesis
Is that it is like a work of art and we are afraid to harm it.
01 JAN 2010 by ideonexus
Limbaugh Attacks Science and Academia as
You know, folks, the two universes here -- The Universe of Lies, The Universe of Reality -- they don't overlap anymore. And this is even bigger than global warming, which was my point yesterday. It's about everything that the left is involved in. What this fraud, what the uncovering of this hoax exposes, is the corruption that exists between government and academia and science and the media. Science has been corrupted. We know the media has been corrupted for a long time. Academia has b...Folksonomies: irrationalism
Folksonomies: irrationalism
Science, academia, government, and media form four pillars of a web of lies in Limbaugh's world, while the world he describes, the world of conservative talk radio, Fox News, and Conservapedia, is reality.