29 NOV 2016 by ideonexus
Earthseed 31-35
31. Sculptor and Clay As wind,As water,As fire,As life,GodIs both creative and destructive,Demanding and yielding,Sculptor and clay.God is Infinite Potential:God is Change. ∞ = Δ 32. Your teachers Your teachersAre all around you.All that you perceive,All that you experience,All that is given to youor taken from you,All that you love or hate,need or fearWill teach you—If you will learn.God is your firstand your last teacher.God is your harshest teacher:subtle,demanding.Learn or die. ∞ =...Folksonomies: earthseed
Folksonomies: earthseed
11 JUN 2012 by ideonexus
Science Reveals the Wonder of a Mundane World
Where the untrained eye will see nothing but mire and dirt, Science will often reveal exquisite possibilities. The mud we tread under our feet in the street is a grimy mixture of clay and sand, soot and water. Separate the sand, however, as Ruskinn observes—let the atoms arrange themselves in peace according to their nature—and you have the opal. Separate the clay, and it becomes a white earth, fit for the finest porcelain; or if it still further purifies itself, you have a sapphire. Take...Turning mud into wonder.