16 JUN 2011 by ideonexus
The Military is Pretty Leftist
The business sector is dazzlingly productive, but it also periodically blows up our financial system. Yet if we seek another model, one that emphasizes universal health care and educational opportunity, one that seeks to curb income inequality, we don’t have to turn to Sweden. Rather, look to the United States military.
You see, when our armed forces are not firing missiles, they live by an astonishingly liberal ethos — and it works. The military helped lead the way in racial desegregati...It is a completely socialist system, and a highly effective one with very positive results; however, we must remember that it is effective because its members give up liberty to join it.
06 APR 2011 by ideonexus
Richard Dawkins Confuses Moderate and Fundamental Religio...
While Dawkins is clearly right in his contention that religion -- any religion -- should be fair game for critics, his brand of purist atheism is grounded more in philosophy than in a cleare-eyeed look at the real world or the way religion works in American society. The difference between moderate religion and fundamentalism, now as in the past, is that moderate faith attempts to accommodate itself to secular education and ecular government: the American religious right rejects both. If there...The difference between them is that one group is willing to concede things about their religious doctrine, while the other is unyielding in its irrationality.