05 FEB 2016 by ideonexus

 12 Tone Equal Temperament

On a standard piano keyboard, one octave is divided into 7 whole tones: A, B, C, D, E, F and G. In between these tones are 5 further notes which can be called either sharps or flats: A# (Bb), C# (Db), D# (Eb), F# (Gb), G# (Ab). (whether it's a sharp of a flat doesn't really matter, the note has the same frequency, just a different name). This gives us a grand total of 12 notes in one octave. If you were to measure the frequency of a note, then measure the frequency of a note exactly one octa...
Folksonomies: mathematics music
Folksonomies: mathematics music
 1  1  notes
31 MAY 2011 by ideonexus

 Movement According to Aristotle

241b 34 Every moving thing must be moved by something. For if it does not have the source of its motion in itself, it is clear that it is moved by something else (for another 40 thing will be the mover); but if it is in itself, let AB be taken, which is moving in its own right, and not by means of some part of it being moved. First, then, to suppose that AB is moved by itself since the whole is moved and by nothing outside it,would be as if, when KL was moving LM and was itself moving, one we...
  1  notes

Chains of events put into a basic logic. There are the beginnings of understanding here, but he doesn't know how to break it down properly.