08 APR 2013 by ideonexus

 The Planning Fallacy

Professor McGonagall opened her mouth, then closed it. The witch rubbed the bridge of her nose, looking thoughtful. "Mr. Potter... if I were to offer to listen to you for a while... is there anything you'd like to talk to me about?" "About what?" "About why you're convinced you must always be on your guard against terrible things happening to you." Harry stared at her in puzzlement. That was a self-evident axiom. "Well..." Harry said slowly. He tried to organise his thoughts. How could he e...
Folksonomies: cognitive bias fallacy
Folksonomies: cognitive bias fallacy
  1  notes

We underestimate how close we are to completing a task, the only solution is to consider how long it took us to complete the last time we did it.

20 SEP 2011 by ideonexus

 Speciesization in a Test Tube

We can even see the origin of new, ecologically diverse bacterial species, all within a single laboratory flask. Paul Rainey and his colleagues at Oxford University placed a strain of the bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens in a small vessel containing nutrient broth, and simply watched it. (It’s surprising but true that such a vessel actually contains diverse environments. Oxygen concentration, for example, is highest on the top and lowest on the bottom.) Within ten days—no more than a few ...
Folksonomies: evolution experiment
Folksonomies: evolution experiment
  1  notes

Bacteria evolve into different species in order to adapt to the different environments at the bottom and top of a test tube.

20 JUL 2011 by ideonexus

 The Importance of Touch on Infants

Touch plays a very special role in the life of young babies. Because it is so well developed at birth, it provides these brand-new arrivals more detailed access to their fascinating new world than any other sense. Touch is obviously essential to babies' sensory-motor development, but it also has a surprisingly potent influence over their physical growth, emotional well-being, cognitive potential, and even their overall health, because of some fascinating effects on their immune function. [....
  1  notes

There is a crucial period where an infant should be touched by its mother to reduce its stress level and the stress hormones that would otherwise damage its organs.