17 MAR 2012 by ideonexus

 Chance Favors, but Ambition is Crucial

The major credit I think Jim and I deserve ... is for selecting the right problem and sticking to it. It's true that by blundering about we stumbled on gold, but the fact remains that we were looking for gold. Both of us had decided, quite independently of each other, that the central problem in molecular biology was the chemical structure of the gene. ... We could not see what the answer was, but we considered it so important that we were determined to think about it long and hard, from any ...
Folksonomies: discovery
Folksonomies: discovery
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Francis Crick admits his discovery was something of chance, but emphasizes the fact that he was looking for the discovery in the first place and willing to dedicate a great deal of time to it.

29 AUG 2011 by ideonexus

 More Than Material Goes Into Consumer Products

Suppose, in our imagination, we take this radio apart. Suppose we take all the pieces out of the wooden box we call a cabinet. Now, you could call in a good cabinetmaker and say, "Jim, can you make a cabinet like that for me?" He'd answer you, "Of course I can. For about five dollars." You could say to another fellow, "How much can you make that pin for?" He might say, "Oh, about a dime." Then you look at all the parts on the table. Someone had to make every piece in the set. If you checked ...
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Kettering describes the intangible element that goes into a the construction of a radio, the scientific know-how, the blood, sweat, and tears of invention.

30 NOV -0001 by ideonexus

 How a Lack of Vocabulary Can Turn a Child Off to a Subject

Consider the case of a child I observed through his eighth and ninth years. Jim was a highly verbal and mathophobic child from a professional family. His love for words and for talking showed itself very early, long before he went to school. The mathophobia developed at school. My theory is that it came as a direct result of his verbal precocity. I learned from his parents that Jim had developed an early habit of describing in words, often aloud, whatever he was doing as he did it. This habit...
Folksonomies: phonetics
Folksonomies: phonetics
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Case study of a child strong in verbal skills, but mathphobic because the skills did not translate, despite the fact that they should have. Math-proficient children can be turned off by the illogic of English.