01 MAR 2016 by ideonexus
"Intelligent" Holds "Paranormal" Connotations
As soon as AI successfully solves a problem, the problem is no longer a part of AI. Pamela McCorduck calls it an "odd paradox," that "practical AI successes, computational programs that actually achieved intelligent behavior, were soon assimilated into whatever application domain they were found to be useful in, and became silent partners alongside other problem-solving approaches, which left AI researchers to deal only with the "failures," the tough nuts that couldn't yet be cracked."[3]"Interesting. Seems similar to the notion that "paranormal" things become "normal" once there are scientific explanations for them."
Also: God of the gaps.
17 MAY 2013 by ideonexus
Does the Future Need Us?
While we now know that Turing was too optimistic on the timeline, AI's inexorable progress over the past 50 years suggests that Herbert Simon was right when he wrote in 1956 "machines will be capable ... of doing any work a man can do." I do not expect this to happen in the very near future, but I do believe that by 2045 machines will be able to do if not any work that humans can do, then a very significant fraction of the work that humans can do. Bill Joy's question deserves therefore not to...Folksonomies: automation
Folksonomies: automation
If machines can do everything for us by 2045, what will we do?