27 JUL 2018 by ideonexus
The Information Age has Increased Abstract Intelligence
Most dramatically, an increase in one kind of abstract intelligence is visible all over the world: mastery of digital technology. Cyberspace is the ultimate abstract realm, in which goals are achieved not by pushing matter around in space but by manipulating intangible symbols and patterns. When people were first confronted with digital interfaces in the 1970s, like videocassette recorders and ticket machines in new subway systems, they were baffled. It was a running joke of the 1980s that mo...Folksonomies: intelligence iq
Folksonomies: intelligence iq
16 MAR 2013 by ideonexus
How the Computer Will See the World
We find all the no-life-support-wealth-producing people going to their 1980 jobs in their cars or buses, spending trillions of dollars' worth of peĀ¬ troleum daily to get to their no-wealth-producing jobs. It doesn't take a computer to tell you that it will save both Universe and humanity trillions of dollars a day to pay them handsomely to stay at home. History's political and economic power structures have always fearfully abhorred "idle people" as potential troublemakers. Yet nature neve...Millions of people wasting energy, driving to jobs that serve little purpose when they could be much more productive at home