22 OCT 2024 by ideonexus

 Exercise Creates Structural Stress

Now, the other kind of stress Structural stress from activity that physical activity cause is structural stress. Now, when I was running this morning, for example, my mitochondria were generating all kinds of ATP to fuel my body, but my mitochondria were also spewing out all kinds of reactive oxygen species, which cause widespread damage throughout my body. I was getting mutations in my DNA, those that damage is causing my telomeres at the end of my chromosomes to shorten its damaging cells. ...
Folksonomies: exercise aging longevity
Folksonomies: exercise aging longevity
  1  notes
28 DEC 2016 by ideonexus

 President-Elect Trump has a Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio

What a president says is typically allotted a ton of news value, by default, and rightly so. But it has been assigned news value because it traditionally has had a very high signal-to-noise ratio. Presidential remarks are normally so considered, vetted, poll-tested, etc. They usually are a somewhat reliable guide to the policies a president will pursue, how they’ll pursue them, etc. But Trump isn’t like that. He throws a ton of stuff out there, on Twitter and off. The signal-to-noise rati...
Folksonomies: politics rhetoric
Folksonomies: politics rhetoric
  1  notes
31 JUL 2011 by ideonexus

 Activities With Children

After my children turned 3, I employed some fun activities to improve executive function, roughly based on the canonical work of Adele Diamond. I would tell them that today was “opposite day. When I held up a drawn picture of the night, an inky black background sprinkled with stars, they were supposed to say “day.” When I held up a picture with a big blue sky inhabited by a big yellow sun, they were supposed to say “night.” I would alternate the pictures with increasing rapidity ...
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Some activities the author engages with his children to teach them self-control.