16 MAR 2013 by ideonexus

 The Energy Efficiency of Spheres

Environment-controlling buildings gain or lose their energy as "heat o cool" only through their containing surfaces. Spheres contain the most vololume with the least surface—i.e., have the least possible surface-to-volume ratio. Every time we double the diameter of a spherical structure, we in¬ crease its contained atmosphere eightfold and its enclosing surface onlyily fourfold. When doubling the diameter of our sphere, we are not changiring the size of the contained molecules of atmospher...
Folksonomies: energy spheres buckyballs
Folksonomies: energy spheres buckyballs
  1  notes

Less surface area to insulate as they grow.

28 JAN 2012 by ideonexus

 The Importance of Surfaces

I would like to start by emphasizing the importance of surfaces. It is at a surface where many of our most interesting and useful phenomena occur. We live for example on the surface of a planet. It is at a surface where the catalysis of chemical reactions occur. It is essentially at a surface of a plant that sunlight is converted to a sugar. In electronics, most if not all active circuit elements involve non-equilibrium phenomena occurring at surfaces. Much of biology is concerned with reacti...
Folksonomies: science biology chemistry
Folksonomies: science biology chemistry
  1  notes

Surfaces are where are the interesting scientific stuff is taking place.