06 FEB 2015 by ideonexus
The One-Electron Universe
I received a telephone call one day at the graduate college at Princeton from Professor Wheeler, in which he said, "Feynman, I know why all electrons have the same charge and the same mass" "Why?" "Because, they are all the same electron!" And, then he explained on the telephone, "suppose that the world lines which we were ordinarily considering before in time and space - instead of only going up in time were a tremendous knot, and then, when we cut through the knot, by the pl...11 JUN 2012 by ideonexus
I like relativity and quantum theories because I don't understand them and they make me feel as if space shifted about like a swan that can't settle, refusing to sit still and be measured; and as if the atom were an impulsive thing always changing its mind.Folksonomies: poetry relativity
Folksonomies: poetry relativity
A poem
04 JUN 2012 by ideonexus
The Physics of Black Hole Creation
Let me describe briefly how a black hole might be created. Imagine a star with a mass 10 times that of the sun. During most of its lifetime of about a billion years the star will generate heat at its center by converting hydrogen into helium. The energy released will create sufficient pressure to support the star against its own gravity, giving rise to an object with a radius about five times the radius of the sun. The escape velocity from the surface of such a star would be about 1,000 kilom...Folksonomies: physics black hole
Folksonomies: physics black hole
At a point in the star's collapse, it's escape velocity exceeds the speed of light.
16 MAY 2012 by ideonexus
The Importance of the Velocity of Light
The velocity of light is one of the most important of the fundamental constants of Nature. Its measurement by Foucault and Fizeau gave as the result a speed greater in air than in water, thus deciding in favor of the undulatory and against the corpuscular theory. Again, the comparison of the electrostatic and the electromagnetic units gives as an experimental result a value remarkably close to the velocity of light–a result which justified Maxwell in concluding that light is the propagation...Folksonomies: speed of light light
Folksonomies: speed of light light
Grows more important with each scientist who uncovers its secrets.