22 MAR 2012 by ideonexus
Pauli Exclusion Principle
In the three-dimensional space in which we live, elementary particles are designated as fermions and bosons, depending on their spin. We associate with each variety of elementary particle a quantum number, which gives the value of its spin. This number can be an integer (0,1, 2,... ) or a half integer (1/2, 3/2, 5/2,...). Particles with integer spin are called bosons, and particles with half integer spin are called fermions. The quantum mechanical behavior of fermions and bosons is different:...Folksonomies: physics quantum physics
Folksonomies: physics quantum physics
Two identical fermions cannot occupy the same quantum mechanical state.
12 DEC 2011 by ideonexus
QED Explained
Feynman's graphical method provides a way of visualizing each term in the sum over histories. Those pictures, called Feynman diagrams, are one of the most important tools of modern physics. In QED the sum over all possible histories can be represented as a sum over Feynman diagrams like those below, which represent some of the ways it is possible for two electrons to scatter off each other through the electromagnetic force. In these diagrams the solid lines represent the electrons and the wav...A good description of the Feynman Diagrams from QED and how the infinite possibilities must be accounted for in mathematics dealing with them.