24 APR 2015 by ideonexus
The Painting "Las Meninas"
The painter is standing a little back from his canvas [1]. He is glancing at his model;
perhaps he is considering whether to add some finishing touch, though it is also possible
that the first stroke has not yet been made. The arm holding the brush is bent to the
left, towards the palette; it is motionless, for an instant, between canvas and paints. The
skilled hand is suspended in mid-air, arrested in rapt attention on the painter's gaze; and
the gaze, in return, waits upon the arrested gest...24 JAN 2015 by ideonexus
Animal Plants: Life Adapted to a Vacuum
"These remarkable creatures combine the characteristics of animals and plants and so I call them animal-plants. ..."
"All right. Don't get angry. Just explain how your creatures avoid getting dried up like mummies."
"That is simple. Their skin is covered with a glassy layer, thin and flexible but absolutely impermeable to gases and liquids and all kinds of particles, so that the creatures are protected from any loss of material. . . . Their bodies have appendages which look like wings and a...Folksonomies: speculation
Folksonomies: speculation
24 MAY 2013 by ideonexus
No Such Thing as Professional Photographers
...there’s no such thing as Flickr Pro, because today, with cameras as pervasive as they are, there is no such thing really as professional photographers, when there’s everything is professional photographers. Certainly there is varying levels of skills, but we didn’t want to have a Flickr Pro anymore, we wanted everyone to have professional quality photos, space, and sharing.The Yahoo CEO took a lot of heat for this comment, but there is a great deal of truth to it. With digital photography, photographs are so pervasive that professionals are now competing with a horde of amateurs.
17 MAY 2013 by ideonexus
Kodak, Instagram, and Automation
Here’s a current example of the challenge we face... At the height of its power, the photography company Kodak employed more than 140,000 people and was worth $28 billion. They even invented the first digital camera. But today Kodak is bankrupt, and the new face of digital photography has become Instagram. When Instagram was sold to Facebook for a billion dollars in 2012, it employed only 13 people. Where did all those jobs disappear? And what happened to the wealth that all those middle-cl...Folksonomies: automation unemployment
Folksonomies: automation unemployment
A cautionary tale of how automation is running people out of employment.
23 JAN 2011 by ideonexus
Experienced Becoming Replaced with Facsimile
Art objects contain a dynamism based on scale and physicality that produces a somatic response in the viewer. The powerful visual experience of art locates the viewer very precisely as an integrated self within the artist’s vision. With the flattening of visual information and the randomness of size inherent in reproduction, the significance of scale is eroded. Visual information becomes based on image alone. Experience is replaced with facsimile.
As admittedly useful as the Internet is, ea...We are replacing the real world, real experience, with images and film, replicating it, but the experience is degraded in the replication.