31 MAY 2015 by ideonexus
The Supercollider Was an Unreasonable Gamble`
Now particle physics in the United States is struggling
to survive the d isaster of the Supercond ucting
Supercollid er. The Supercollid er was a gigantic particle
accelerator project that was canceled in 1 993 after about
3 billion d ollars had alread y been spent on it. The
cancellation was a personal traged y for many of my
friend s who had d evoted the best years of their lives to
the project. But when I speak of the d isaster of the
Supercond ucting Supercollid er, I d o not mean the can...Folksonomies: socialism government funding
Folksonomies: socialism government funding
31 MAY 2015 by ideonexus
How Do Flatlanders Move?
None of this actually explains how Flatlanders move. We
know various things about their locomotion; that
travelling somewhere involves some form of effort, that
it is harder to travel North than in other directions,
especially for women, and that femails "undulate" as they
travel, although this is more of a safety measure
than a necessity.
A mundane explanation, but one that causes a few
problems, is the use of very short cilia-like mobile hairs
for propulsion. This assumes that Flatland ai...15 FEB 2015 by ideonexus
AI View of AI, Scaling Wars
The artilects, as they have been conceived so far in this book, have been largely "nanoteched" creatures. But nanotechnology may be unnecessarily restrictive and far too large a scale to be suitable for advanced artilects. It may be possible that a "femtoteched" creature could be built. Such "femto-artilects" or "femtolects" as they will be called from now on, would be vastly superior to "nano-artilects" or "nanolects," thus setting the stage for a new "species dominance war" all over again.
...06 FEB 2015 by ideonexus