28 JUL 2011 by ideonexus

 Most Marriages Degrade After a Child is Born

A bracingly cold glass of water was thrown on this Eisenhoweresque perception by famed sociologist E.E. LeMasters. In 1957, he published a research paper showing that 83 percent of new parents experienced a moderate to severe crisis in the marriage during the transition to parenthood. These parents became increasingly hostile toward each other in the first year of the baby’s life. The majority were having a hard time. [...] There is hope. We know four of the most important sources of mari...
Folksonomies: parenting marriage stress
Folksonomies: parenting marriage stress
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But recognizing the characteristics that cause stress in the relationship can help things.

29 JUN 2011 by ideonexus

 Social Rules that Provide for Fathers

In all human cultures there is some sort of father in the typical family, either the biological father or a male maternal relative, who acts in ways that all societies would agree are paternal.^ ^ Anthropologists suggest that biological fathers in particidar have an important parenting role in societies where family life is strong, women contribute to subsistence, the family is an integrated unit of parents and offspring working for the same goal, and men are not preoccupied with being warrio...
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Laws certifying marriages and punishing infidelity create a social environment where fathers can know the children they are raising are their own and provide for them.

03 MAY 2011 by ideonexus

 Marriage as a Partnership of Mutual Cooperation

The relationship between a mother and her child is fairly straightforward: Both are seeking roughly the same goal—the welfare of themselves and each other. The relationship between a man and his wife's lover or between a woman and her rival for a promotion is also fairly Straightforward: Both want the worst for each other. One relationship is all about cooperation, the ot other all about conflict. But what is the relationship between a woman and her husband? It is cooperation in the sense t...
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Where the father seeks to reproduce and the mother seeks a provider for the children.