Comparing European and American Mammals and Livestock
Europe. | America. | |
lb. | lb. | |
Mammoth | ||
Buffalo. Bison | *1800 | |
White bear. Ours blanc | ||
Caribou. Renne | ||
Bear. Ours | 153.7 | *410 |
Elk. Elan. Orignal, palmated | ||
Red deer. Cerf | 288.8 | *273 |
Fallow deer. Daim | 167.8 | |
Wolf. Loup | 69.8 | |
Roe. Chevreuil | 56.7 | |
Glutton. Glouton. Carcajou | ||
Wild cat. Chat sauvage | 30 | |
Lynx. Loup cervier | 25. | |
Beaver. Castor | 18.5 | *45 |
Badger. Blaireau | 13.6 | |
Red Fox. Renard | 13.5 | |
Grey Fox. Isatis | ||
Otter. Loutre | 8.9 | 12 |
Monax. Marmotte | 6.5 | |
Vison. Fouine | 2.8 | |
Hedgehog. Herisson | 2.2 | |
Martin. Marte | 1.9 | 6 |
oz. | ||
Water rat. Rat d'eau | 7.5 | |
Wesel. Belette | 2.2 | oz. |
Flying squirrel. Polatouche | 2.2 | 4 |
Shrew mouse. Musaraigne | 1. |
their weights and mine stand opposed: the latter being stated, not to produce a conclusion in favour of the American species, but to justify a suspension of opinion until we are better informed, and a suspicion in the mean time that there is no uniform difference in favour of either; which is all pretend.
Europe. | ||
lb. | lb. | |
Cow | 763. | *2500 |
Horse | *1366 | |
Ass | ||
Hog | *1200 | |
Sheep | *125 | |
Goat | *80 | |
Dog | 67.6 | |
Cat | 7. |
Jefferson cataloges the sizes of animals in the two continents in order to refute the European idea that animals are larger and more advanced in the old world.
Folksonomies: nature naturalism data classic
/pets/cats (0.577350)
/travel/tourist destinations/europe (0.577350)
/sports/hunting and shooting (0.573058)
Lynx. Loup cervier (0.979247 (neutral:0.000000)), Caribou. Renne (0.787303 (neutral:0.000000)), lb (0.785737 (neutral:0.000000)), Otter. Loutre (0.768302 (neutral:0.000000)), Chat sauvage (0.766716 (positive:0.544528)), Buffalo. Bison (0.763871 (neutral:0.000000)), Fallow deer (0.761518 (neutral:0.000000)), White bear (0.759931 (positive:0.201051)), Elk. Elan (0.756740 (neutral:0.000000)), American Mammals (0.756722 (positive:0.267473)), old world (0.755520 (positive:0.267473)), Martin. Marte (0.754514 (positive:0.299525)), European idea (0.752334 (positive:0.267473)), Beaver. Castor (0.751857 (neutral:0.000000)), Livestock Jefferson (0.751638 (positive:0.267473)), Red deer (0.742442 (neutral:0.000000)), Water rat (0.741626 (negative:-0.614806)), Rat d'eau (0.741051 (negative:-0.684523)), Roe. Chevreuil (0.738625 (neutral:0.000000)), Glutton. Glouton (0.737619 (negative:-0.494379)), Wild cat (0.734050 (positive:0.280960)), Badger. Blaireau (0.732984 (negative:-0.252786)), Grey Fox (0.731560 (neutral:0.000000)), Red Fox (0.731507 (neutral:0.000000)), Shrew mouse (0.731408 (neutral:0.000000)), Monax. Marmotte (0.728303 (neutral:0.000000)), Vison. Fouine (0.727318 (neutral:0.000000)), Hedgehog. Herisson (0.726336 (neutral:0.000000)), Wesel. Belette (0.722074 (neutral:0.000000)), mean time (0.711156 (negative:-0.337425))
Grey Fox:Person (0.919532 (neutral:0.000000)), Europe:Continent (0.841516 (neutral:0.000000)), Lynx. Loup cervier:GeographicFeature (0.742052 (neutral:0.000000)), Wolf. Loup:City (0.700969 (positive:0.469775)), Caribou. Renne:City (0.625333 (neutral:0.000000)), Otter. Loutre:City (0.597697 (neutral:0.000000)), Renard:Person (0.583741 (neutral:0.000000)), Elk. Elan:City (0.576736 (neutral:0.000000)), Martin. Marte:Person (0.575808 (positive:0.299525)), Beaver. Castor:GeographicFeature (0.570153 (neutral:0.000000)), America:Continent (0.566790 (neutral:0.000000)), Roe. Chevreuil:Person (0.538205 (neutral:0.000000)), Glutton. Glouton:Person (0.536706 (negative:-0.494379)), Badger. Blaireau:Person (0.529753 (negative:-0.252786)), Monax. Marmotte:City (0.522665 (neutral:0.000000)), Vison. Fouine:City (0.521166 (neutral:0.000000)), Wesel. Belette:City (0.513127 (neutral:0.000000)), 1.9
oz:Quantity (0.513127 (neutral:0.000000)), 2.2
oz:Quantity (0.513127 (neutral:0.000000))
Deer (0.980655): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Mammal (0.965510): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Mammals of Europe (0.900679): dbpedia
Mammals of Asia (0.874212): dbpedia
Rodent (0.767591): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Europe (0.736522): dbpedia | freebase | yago
Megafauna of Eurasia (0.630451): dbpedia
Fox (0.594222): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Buffon VS Jefferson on European VS American Wildlife
French Encyclopedists Disparage Wildlife in the New World > Contrast > Comparing European and American Mammals and LivestockBuffon argues that North American life is diminished in comparison to Europe's life. Jefferson refutes him with cold data (however apparently embellished).