Q'non as an AR Game

An alternate reality game begins when people notice “rabbit holes” — little details they happen across in the course of everyday life that don’t make sense, that seem like clues. Consider the game Why So Serious?, which was actually a marketing campaign for the 2008 Batman movie The Dark Knight. The game started when some fans at a comic book convention found dollar bills with the words “why so serious?,” and George Washington defaced to look like the Joker. Googling the phrase led to a website … which directed players to show up at a certain spot at a certain time … where a skywriting plane appeared and wrote out a phone number … which led to more clues. Eventually you found out that there was a war going on between the Joker’s criminal gang and the Gotham Police.

The “game masters” don’t necessarily write out the whole story in advance. They might make up some parts of it as they go, creating clues in response to what players are doing. Some games offer prizes, like coordinates to a secret party. But really, the reward is just the satisfaction of solving the mystery.

The structural similarities between all this and QAnon, the game designers thought, were remarkable. In QAnon, too, the rabbit holes can be anywhere: YouTube videos, believers carrying signs at Trump rallies with phrases only other followers would recognize, or enigmatic posts on online message boards. QAnon, of course, also has a game master: Q, the unidentified person behind the curtain. Although he or she has lately been silent, Q used to send regular messages, which pointed to leaked emails, obscure news stories, and numerological puzzles.


Folksonomies: conspiracy rabbit hole

/art and entertainment/comics and animation/comics (0.875745)
/art and entertainment/shows and events (0.660040)

Batman (0.989370): dbpedia_resource
Two-Face (0.881264): dbpedia_resource
Joker (0.859802): dbpedia_resource
The Dark Knight (0.841417): dbpedia_resource
Batman Begins (0.786912): dbpedia_resource
James Gordon (0.782922): dbpedia_resource
Heath Ledger (0.777300): dbpedia_resource
Batman: The Killing Joke (0.729159): dbpedia_resource

 Reality Is Just a Game Now
Periodicals>Magazine Article:  Askonas, Jon (July 6, 2022), Reality Is Just a Game Now, The New Atlantis, Retrieved on 2023-01-03
  • Source Material [www.thenewatlantis.com]
  • Folksonomies: reality conspiracy rabbit hole


    03 JAN 2023

     Rabbit Holes

    Q'non as an AR Game > Example/Illustration > Traits of Yoga Practice That Lead to Conspiracy Theories
    Alternative medicine, Q'non, and AR games provide people with deep-dive information webs that are alluring because they privilege the participant with malleable independent knowledge.