Running In Elderly Promotes Walking-Economy of Youth
Older runners had a 7–10% better walking economy than older walkers over the range of speeds tested (p = .016) and had walking economy similar to young sedentary adults over a similar range of speeds (p = .237). We found no substantial biomechanical differences between older walkers and runners. In contrast to older runners, older walkers had similar walking economy as older sedentary adults (p = .461) and ~26% worse walking economy than young adults (p<.0001).
Folksonomies: longevity
/sports/walking (0.307186)
/style and fashion/footwear (0.149251)
/sports/running and jogging (0.133467)
older walkers (0.908631 (negative:-0.024021)), Youth Older runners (0.840475 (positive:0.200814)), Elderly Promotes Walking-Economy (0.686854 (positive:0.200814)), young sedentary adults (0.669945 (neutral:0.000000)), substantial biomechanical differences (0.657681 (neutral:0.000000)), similar range (0.403602 (neutral:0.000000)), young adults (0.378837 (negative:-0.417272)), speeds (0.346374 (positive:0.200814)), contrast (0.264421 (neutral:0.000000))
10%:Quantity (0.010000 (neutral:0.000000)), 26%:Quantity (0.010000 (neutral:0.000000))
Running (0.903521): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Walking (0.897349): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Difference (0.878864): dbpedia