The Geoscope
Because the real planet Earth is revolving around its north-south polar axis, so, too, is mini-Earth. They are both thus revolving without effecting any change of the observed position of Polaris—the North Star—in respect to mini-Earth's north pole. Therefore, the observer at the center of the Geoscope feels spontaneously the celestial fixity not only of Polaris but also of all the other stars as seen outwardly through the Geoscope's triangular windows. Because outwardly of Geoscope's equator what we can see of the ;tarry scene is changing most rapidly and ever less rapidly until, looking out along the polar axis, we observe no change, we get the same feeling as we do looking out the window of a railway car, automobile, or airplane. We see and feel the scene changing as a consequence of our vehicle's motion and not of the scenery's motion. For the first time in human experience Geoscope's mini-Earth spherical structure is clearly seen and felt to be revolving within the theater of Universe, and those holding steady their bodies, heads and their eyes and standing at the Geoscope's center, feel-see their Earth revolving within the vast theater of the starry sky.
With Geoscopes locally available around the world, all children experiencing its true celestial-event orientations will feel themselves being rotated round from west to east by the Earth to be shaded from the Sun's light by the rolling-around Earth's western horizon.. . which deep shadowing they will call night.
They will feel their western horizon to be rotating around with them and to be obscuring (or eclipsing) the Sun. They will spontaneously say "Sunclipse" instead of "Sunset." In the same way they will say spontaneously "Sunsight" in the morning as the Earth revolves the Sun into seeability, thus spontaneously acquiring two poetical, two-syllable, truly meaningful words to replace the two-syllable, misinformative, but poetical words of their ancestry—"Sunset" and "Sunrise."
An enormous proposed model of the Earth that would teach children their orientation on our planet. With such an understanding, the term "sunset" would be replaced with "sunclipse."
Folksonomies: cosmology perspective geoscope orientation
/art and entertainment/dance/pole dancing (0.500137)
/society/welfare/social services/volunteering (0.499837)
/family and parenting/children (0.488188)
Geoscope (0.951763 (positive:0.430604)), polar axis (0.813126 (neutral:0.000000)), enormous proposed model (0.807574 (neutral:0.000000)), north-south polar axis (0.788439 (neutral:0.000000)), western horizon (0.739436 (negative:-0.393838)), real planet Earth (0.737634 (neutral:0.000000)), North Star—in respect (0.733556 (positive:0.275642)), true celestial-event orientations (0.705838 (neutral:0.000000)), truly meaningful words (0.687010 (positive:0.509532)), tarry scene (0.510904 (neutral:0.000000)), triangular windows (0.504671 (neutral:0.000000)), celestial fixity (0.498275 (neutral:0.000000)), deep shadowing (0.497561 (neutral:0.000000)), poetical words (0.490708 (positive:0.282233)), north pole (0.487734 (positive:0.275642)), starry sky (0.487077 (positive:0.582547)), railway car (0.485252 (negative:-0.375145)), steady their bodies (0.484235 (positive:0.340718)), human experience (0.477794 (positive:0.460566)), vast theater (0.466558 (positive:0.582547)), rolling-around Earth (0.465064 (neutral:0.000000)), sunset (0.397560 (positive:0.220508)), Sun (0.339510 (positive:0.374290)), sunclipse (0.311387 (neutral:0.000000)), children (0.308678 (neutral:0.000000)), change (0.306512 (positive:0.029403)), motion (0.289773 (negative:-0.285398)), consequence (0.263480 (negative:-0.285398)), Polaris (0.258735 (neutral:0.000000)), understanding (0.257939 (positive:0.490527))
Geoscope:City (0.935615 (positive:0.430604)), mini-Earth:City (0.261758 (positive:0.275642)), seeability:City (0.226965 (positive:0.374290)), windows:OperatingSystem (0.218469 (neutral:0.000000))
Earth (0.988081): dbpedia | freebase
Sun (0.744413): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Equator (0.609008): dbpedia | freebase
Latitude (0.564994): dbpedia | freebase
Sunrise (0.546257): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Planet (0.543333): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Rotation (0.527832): dbpedia | freebase
Jupiter (0.513193): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc | yago