Dyson Spheres
The mathematician Freeman Dyson, of the Institute for Advanced Study, offers a scheme in which the planet Jupiter is broken down piece by piece, transported to the distance of the Earth from the Sun, and reconstructed into a spherical shell – a swarm of individual fragments revolving about the Sun. The advantage of Dyson's proposal is that all of the sunlight now wasted by not falling upon an inhabited planet could then be gainfully employed; and a population greatly in excess of that which now inhabits the Earth could be maintained. Whether such a vast population is desirable is an important and unsolved question. But what seems clear is that at the present rate of technological progress it will be possible to construct such a Dyson sphere in perhaps some thousands of years. In that case, other civilizations older than we may have already constructed such spherical swarms.
A Dyson sphere absorbs visible light from the Sun. But it does not continue indefinitely to absorb this light without re-radiating; otherwise, the temperature would become impossibly high. The exterior of the Dyson sphere radiates infrared radiation into space. Because of the large dimensions of the sphere, the infrared flux from a Dyson sphere should be detectable over quite sizable distances – with present infrared technology, over distances of hundreds to thousands of light-years. Remarkably enough, large infrared objects of roughly Solar System dimensions and of temperatures less than 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit have been detected in recent years. These, of course, are not necessarily Dyson civilizations. They may be vast dust clouds surrounding stars in the process of formation. But we are beginning to detect objects that are not dissimilar to the artifacts of advanced civilizations.
A hypothetical sphere surrounding a star, harnessing all of its power.
Folksonomies: extraterrestrials solar power
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Dyson sphere (0.928977 (positive:0.284591)), Dyson sphere absorbs (0.743541 (positive:0.854780)), Dyson sphere radiates (0.715182 (positive:0.648776)), mathematician Freeman Dyson (0.713584 (neutral:0.000000)), Dyson Spheres (0.581801 (neutral:0.000000)), Dyson civilizations (0.520823 (neutral:0.000000)), hypothetical sphere (0.486240 (neutral:0.000000)), present infrared technology (0.471686 (positive:0.224108)), large infrared objects (0.464816 (positive:0.343059)), spherical shell (0.369231 (neutral:0.000000)), planet Jupiter (0.362323 (negative:-0.525656)), sizable distances (0.361036 (negative:-0.440299)), Advanced Study (0.360035 (positive:0.321960)), individual fragments (0.358584 (neutral:0.000000)), advanced civilizations (0.358459 (negative:-0.214109)), unsolved question (0.355908 (positive:0.547454)), technological progress (0.344981 (positive:0.827253)), large dimensions (0.342768 (neutral:0.000000)), dust clouds (0.341146 (negative:-0.437049)), present rate (0.340803 (positive:0.827253)), degrees Fahrenheit (0.339943 (negative:-0.314968)), Solar System dimensions (0.339376 (positive:0.343059)), Sun (0.275373 (positive:0.738998)), population (0.260140 (positive:0.547454)), Earth (0.255814 (positive:0.623216)), thousands (0.254708 (positive:0.671113)), piece (0.250906 (negative:-0.525656)), swarms (0.241620 (negative:-0.428210)), light-years (0.238181 (neutral:0.000000)), sunlight (0.235314 (negative:-0.628269))
Freeman Dyson:Person (0.944874 (positive:0.853553)), Institute for Advanced Study:Organization (0.308930 (positive:0.321960)), Solar System:FieldTerminology (0.234055 (positive:0.343059)), 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit:Quantity (0.234055 (neutral:0.000000))
Sun (0.959409): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Sphere (0.646157): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Earth (0.642978): dbpedia | freebase
Dyson sphere (0.618397): dbpedia | freebase | yago
Solar System (0.603317): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Jupiter (0.575787): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc | yago
Planet (0.565921): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc
Light (0.552925): dbpedia | freebase | opencyc

Dyson Spheres
Dyson Spheres > Summary > Dyson SpheresOriginal quote from Freeman Dyson and a summary from Carl Sagan.