Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Gunn , James E. (2004-01-28), The Listeners, Benbella Books, Retrieved on 2012-05-31
  • Source Material []
  • Folksonomies: fiction


    31 MAY 2012

     Radio Telescopes as the Stethoscope Observing the Universe

    When they [radio astronomers] grew weary at their electronic listening posts. When their eyes grew dim with looking at unrevealing dials and studying uneventful graphs, they could step outside their concrete cells and renew their dull spirits in communion with the giant mechanism they commanded, the silent, sensing instrument in which the smallest packets of energy, the smallest waves of matter, were detected in their headlong, eternal flight across the universe. It was the stethoscope with w...
    Folksonomies: astronomy
    Folksonomies: astronomy
      1  notes

    Taking it's pulse.

    Parent Reference