Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book: Dirac , Paul A. M. (1981), The principles of quantum mechanics, Retrieved on 2012-04-24Source Material [books.google.com]
Folksonomies: mathematics quantum physics Memes
24 APR 2012
Repeatability and Probability
When an observation is made on any atomic system that has been prepared in a given way and is thus in a given state, the result will not in general be determinate, i.e. if the experiment is repeated several times under identical conditions several different results may be obtained. If the experiment is repeated a large number of times it will be found that each particular result will be obtained a definite fraction of the total number of times, so that one can say there is a definite probabil...Folksonomies: experimentation
Folksonomies: experimentation
If an experiment does not produce the same result each time, then the experimenter should focus on the probability of each result occurring.