Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book: Butler , Samuel (1951), Samuel Butler's notebooks, Retrieved on 2012-01-28Source Material [books.google.com]
Folksonomies: literary criticism Memes
28 JAN 2012
The Two Classes
There are two classes, those who want to know, and do not care whether others think they know or not, and those who do not much care about knowing, but care very greatly about being reputed as knowing. Folksonomies: class reputation
Folksonomies: class reputation
Those who know and those who want to be known as knowing.
28 JAN 2012
Most Professors of Religion are Considered Liars
We no more deny the essential value of religion because we hold most religions false, and most professors of religion liars, than we deny that of science because we can see no great difference between men of science and theologians. Folksonomies: religion
Folksonomies: religion
Religious followers consider all other religions lies, but maintain faith in their own religion.
28 JAN 2012
The Universe and the Atom are Indivisible
The idea of an indivisible, ultimate atom is inconceivable by the lay mind. If we can conceive of an idea of the atom at all, we can conceive it as capable of being cut in half; indeed, we cannot conceive it at all unless we so conceive it. The only true atom, the only thing which we cannot subdivide and cut in half, is the universe. We cannot cut a bit off the universe and put it somewhere else. Therefore the universe is a true atom and, indeed, is the smallest piece of indivisible matter wh...Folksonomies: physics conception
Folksonomies: physics conception
And we cannot conceive either.