Electronic/World Wide Web>Blog: Raymo , Chet (DECEMBER 26, 2011), Non-overlapping?, Science Musings Blog, Retrieved on 2012-01-06Source Material [blog.sciencemusings.com]
Folksonomies: science religion Memes
06 JAN 2012
Science Runs Forward, Religion Runs Backwards
Let me posit a difference between religion and science.
Religion: Future>Present>Past
Science: Past>Present>Future.
Let me explain.
Religion, as it has traditionally been understood in its institutional guise, begins with the dream of a comforting future. An escape from the apparently inescapable reality of death.
Which impacts our daily lives in the present. Determines, for example, codes of morality, inspires great deeds of goodness or mayhem. Mandates rites and rituals.
...One works from the past into the present, the other from the present into the past for support.
Parent Reference

Electronic/World Wide Web>Blog: Raymo , Chet (2004 - 2011), Science Musings Blog, Retrieved on 2011-11-24Source Material [blog.sciencemusings.com]
Folksonomies: science spirituality