Electronic/World Wide Web>Blog:  Raymo , Chet (JULY 26, 2011), The green fuse, Science Musings Blog, Retrieved on 2012-01-05
  • Source Material [blog.sciencemusings.com]
  • Folksonomies: wonder


    05 JAN 2012

     Plants on a Windowsill are a Shrine

    [These plants] are here to remind me that mystery is everywhere. The windowsill is an altar, a Holy of Holies. Here is the gift of transubstantiation: dirt, water, air and sun into succulence. The earth teems and roils. On the window sill that old magician -- life -- has some green silks up his sleeve.
      1  notes

    A naturalist shrine.

    Parent Reference

     Science Musings Blog
    Electronic/World Wide Web>Blog:  Raymo , Chet (2004 - 2011), Science Musings Blog, Retrieved on 2011-11-24
  • Source Material [blog.sciencemusings.com]
  • Folksonomies: science spirituality