Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book Chapter:  Raymond, Eric and et al., (December 2003), The Jargon File 4.4.7, Retrieved on -0001-11-30
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    01 JAN 2010

     Cyberspace as a State of Mind

    Occasionally, the metaphoric location of the mind of a person in hack mode. Some hackers report experiencing strong synesthetic imagery when in hack mode, interestingly, independent reports from multiple sources suggest that there are common features to the experience. In particular, the dominant colors of this subjective cyberspace are often gray and silver, and the imagery often involves constellations of marching dots, elaborate shifting patterns of lines and angles, or moir
      1  notes
    A mental place hackers go to when focused in hack mode.
    01 JAN 2010

     Hackers Subscribe to the Ontology of Science

    Almost all hackers subscribe to the mechanistic, materialistic ontology of science (this is in practice true even of most of the minority with contrary religious theories). In this view, people are biological machines
      1  notes
    Found in an explanation for why hackers and programmers tend toward anthropomorphizing the hardware and software they work with.
    01 JAN 2010

     The Bogo-Sort Algorithm for Creating Universes

    A spectacular variant of bogo-sort has been proposed which has the interesting property that, if the Many Worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is true, it can sort an arbitrarily large array in linear time. (In the Many-Worlds model, the result of any quantum action is to split the universe-before into a sheaf of universes-after, one for each possible way the state vector can collapse; in any one of the universes-after the result appears random.) The steps are: 1. Permute the array rand...
      1  notes
    If the many-universes hypothesis is true, then it is a magnificently inefficient system.

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