Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book: Lucretius , (1994-12-01), On the Nature of the Universe (Penguin Classics), Penguin Classics, Retrieved on 2011-06-17Source Material [www.american-buddha.com]
Folksonomies: classic Memes
17 JUN 2011
Break Nature's Locks to Reveal Truth
When human life lay groveling in all men's sight, crushed to the earth under the dead weight of superstition whose grim features loured menacingly upon mortals from the four quarters of the sky, a man of Greece was first to raise mortal eyes in defiance, first to stand erect and brave the challenge. Fables of the gods did not crush him, nor the lightning flash and the growling menace of the sky. Rather, they quickened his manhood, so that he, first of all men, longed to smash the const...Give up superstitious fears, Lucretius tells us, which oppress us and prompt us to do vile things.
17 JUN 2011
Death is Nothing to Us
Equally vain is the suggestion that the spirit is immortal because it is shielded by life-preserving powers: or because it is unassailed by forces hostile to its survival; or because such forces, if they threaten, are somehow repelled before we are conscious of the threat. <Common sense makes it obvious that this cannot be the case:> apart from the spirit's participation in the ailments of the body, it has maladies enough of its own. [80] The prospect of the future torments it with f...A state of non-being, we won't care about it because we won't be there to care.
17 JUN 2011
Terrors Flee Reason
As soon as your reasoning, sprung from that godlike mind, lifts up its voice to proclaim the nature of the universe, then the terrors of the mind take flight, the ramparts of the world roll apart, and I see the march of events throughout the whole of space. The majesty of the gods [4] is revealed and those quiet habitations, never shaken by storms or drenched by rain-clouds or defaced by white drifts of snow which a harsh frost congeals. A cloudless ether roofs them and laughs with radiance l...When you recognize the natural laws of the universe, superstitious fears leave you.
30 AUG 2011
The Universe Was Set in Motion and Everything Else Followed
Certainly the atoms did not post themselves purposefully in due order by an act of intelligence, nor did they stipulate what movements each should perform. [58] As they have been rushing everlastingly throughout all space in their myriads, undergoing a myriad changes under the disturbing impact of collisions, they have experienced every variety of movement and conjunction till they have fallen into the particular pattern by which this world of ours is constituted. This world has persisted man...Lucretius' very prescient observation.