Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  Weltfish, Gene (Sep. 24, 1945), Science: Scientists' Oath, Time, Retrieved on 2011-06-02
  • Source Material [www.time.com]
  • Folksonomies: ethics scientist oath oath


    02 JUN 2011

     Dr. Gene Weltfish's Scientist's Oath

    I pledge that I will use my knowledge for the good of humanity and against the destructive forces of the world and the ruthless intent of men; and that I will work together with my fellow scientists of whatever nation, creed or color, for these, our common ends.
    Folksonomies: ethics scientist oath oath
    Folksonomies: ethics scientist oath oath
      1  notes

    Focuses on using knowledge to the good of humanity and disregarding the ethnicity of peers.

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