Periodicals>Journal Article:  Gardner, John (2017-09-23), The Twilight of Legality, University of Oxford Legal Research Paper Series, Retrieved on 2024-04-28
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  • Folksonomies: legality juridification


    28 APR 2024

     Juridification is the Enemy of Legality

    Modern governments, their hands increasingly tied by the robber-barons of global finance, often try to assert their power with their feet: by kicking out at another high-profile social problem, real or imagined, with another big policy initiative. Usually they come up with an accompanying raft of new laws. Legislative incontinence prevails. Not only is much of the legislation futile and even counterproductive from the start, we are also left with ever more relics of now-forgotten reforms. Bet...
     1  1  notes

    1. The sheer breadth of laws renders ‘the law’ in its entirety, unknowable.

    2. This vastness means that the law cannot be enforced evenly.

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