Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  Rasch, Miriam , Faire l’idiot!, Retrieved on 2023-04-18
  • Source Material [www.eurozine.com]
  • Folksonomies: philosophy surveillance online culture


    18 APR 2023

     Avoiding Communication Vexes Online Surveillance

    ‘The idiot does not “communicate”’,2 writes philosopher Byung-Chul Han in Psychopolitics. He may speak, sure, but not to convey a certain message. That makes the idiot instantly subversive in our time, where communication counts among the highest goods. Not so much because we value the exchange of information or because we can learn from each other. But rather, because the ever-accelerating, 24/7 communication cycle is what keeps surveillance capitalism going. It feeds the database an...
    Folksonomies: resistance surveillance
    Folksonomies: resistance surveillance
      1  notes

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