Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  Cross, Tim (2017-11-13), Table-Top Generals, Retrieved on 2017-12-12
  • Source Material [www.1843magazine.com]
  • Folksonomies: boardgaming


    12 DEC 2017

     Boardgaming Innovations

    One consequence of the board-gaming boom has been to help designers come up with a set of principles and rules-of-thumb that add up, more or less, to a theory of fun. One way to get a sense of it is to look at a well-known game that violates many of this theory’s tenets. Monopoly is, by most calculations, the bestselling board game of all time. Yet it languishes near the bottom of a list of games as reviewed by the users of BoardGameGeek, a popular website. In the eyes of a modern game desi...
      1  notes

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