Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  Pigliucci, Massimo (2017), Anger is temporary madness: the Stoics knew how to curb it, Retrieved on 2017-10-25
  • Source Material [aeon.co]
  • Folksonomies: stoicism anger


    25 OCT 2017

     Anger isn't Necessary and Gets In the Way

    A prominent author who recently disagreed with me on a technical matter quickly labelled me as belonging to a ‘department of bullshit’. Ouch! How is it possible not to get offended by this sort of thing, especially when it’s coming not from an anonymous troll, but from a famous guy with more than 200,000 followers? By implementing the advice of another Stoic philosopher, the second-century slave-turned-teacher Epictetus, who admonished his students in this way: ‘Remember that it is we...
    Folksonomies: stoicism anger
    Folksonomies: stoicism anger
      1  notes
    25 OCT 2017

     Stoic Guide to Anger Management

    So, here is my modern Stoic guide to anger management, inspired by Seneca’s advice: Engage in preemptive meditation: think about what situations trigger your anger, and decide ahead of time how to deal with them. Check anger as soon as you feel its symptoms. Don’t wait, or it will get out of control. Associate with serene people, as much as possible; avoid irritable or angry ones. Moods are infective. Play a musical instrument, or purposefully engage in whatever activity relaxes your mi...
    Folksonomies: stoicism anger
    Folksonomies: stoicism anger
      1  notes

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