Periodicals>Journal Article:  Hargadon, Andrew (2003), The Trouble With Out-of-the-Box Thinking, Interview with Andrew Hargadon, Association for Computing Machinery, Ubiquity, Volume 2003 Issue September, September 1- September 30, 2003, Retrieved on 2017-09-22
Folksonomies: great man theory


22 SEP 2017

 The Great Man Theory Promotes Misunderstanding of History

The Great Man theory is the notion that behind every great innovation is a single individual -- usually a man. It attempts to write a simple story about every innovation. But Ford didn't invent the automobile, Edison didn't invent the light bulb, and the Wright brothers didn't invent the airplane. The simple story strips away all the other people with whom that person worked, both before and afterwards, and their critical contributions to the innovation process. It also perpetuates the notion...
Folksonomies: great man theory
Folksonomies: great man theory
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